Monday, February 24, 2020

Ethics - Social Responsibility of a Business Essay

Ethics - Social Responsibility of a Business - Essay Example Based on the situation presented, Company Q is neglecting three areas of responsibilities: employee relations and labor, product safety and liability, and community relations. Furthermore, the scenario suggests that employer suspects of the possible fraud due to the reported incident of losing profit. In depth investigation results to the cause of employee’s poor ethics is the below minimum salary given to them. Ingram (2011) asserts that the common trend in grocery stores is paying low wages for employees, but practicing excessive labor. Thus, the company is violating the labor code and its responsibility to the employees. The consumers requested for the reopening of their store, but they provide high margin items which are not health-conscious, but generate high profit. It may be that competition is not stiff, so the Q grocery store is confident to offer low services. Another possibility is the increased demand of customer for local store; hence, switching cost is unnecessary. However, code of ethics states that companies must offer healthy food choices that adhere to the standard of product safety (Maloni & Brown, 2006). This has been one of the CSR issues that grocery stores must address as part of their commitment to society. Lastly, the rejection of donating day-old goods to the food bank is an indication of poor conduct. As part of the community, company Q must offer help through donations to charities, including governmental organizations. It is the primary response of companies to meet the expectation of stakeholders. The management was apprehensive of the implication of their food donation that will give reasons for employees to commit fraud. This reasoning is creating havoc that will produce disloyalty from consumers and employees. According to the study of Maloni and Brown (2006, p. 40), philanthropic acts develop and invigorate employee’s commitment, and gain competitive advantage. Based on the three

Saturday, February 8, 2020

Analysis of an artwork Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Analysis of an artwork - Essay Example Alexandria, a Greek cosmopolitan city wherein dance and mime professions were prevalent during the ancient times1. The dancer is wearing a traditional Grecian dress called peplos with a woolen undergarment called chiton, and a cloak called himation2. Due to the pressure applied by her upper and lower limbs, the himation was drawn taut over her head and body causing the fabric to be draped in realistic folds and pleats imparting a feeling of softness and sheerness of fabrics, which also further enhanced the dancer’s figure which seems to be captured in an exotic and provocative pose. However, the face which was concealed in a veil seems to depict modesty with a hint of mystery. The contrasting emotions made the statuette unique and highly artsy. The dancer’s laced slipper also denotes daintiness and further magnified the femininity of the dancer. In addition, the statuette’s dimensions further established its function as a decorative element or a figurine probably commissioned by a rich patron of the arts. Details of the patron or the one who commissioned the bronze statuette was not disclosed though, but the Greek affluent populace at the time were quite known to appreciate beauty and were quite eager to enhance their homes with luxurious items made of bronze and other expensive materials3. In a comparison with a sculpture mentioned in Kleiner’s book, the â€Å"Peplos Kore† is an example of an Archaic style circa 530-525 B.C. and is made entirely of white marble with blue-grey streaks4. Like the Hellenistic bronze statuette, the material used is expensive. The sculpture also depicts a woman wearing the traditional Grecian dress called a peplos worn over a chiton, but without the himation as seen in the Hellenistic bronze statuette. The woman stands in the typical Archaic style of upright and frontal stance with the dress hanging in rigid and simple lines. The symmetrical patterning